Ionic Detox Footbaths

Ionic detox foot baths are believed to offer several potential benefits for overall health & well-being. Practitioners suggest that these baths can help to draw out toxins & impurities from the body through the feet, which are thought to be a primary pathway for detoxification. The process involved immersing the feet in the foot-bath with warm water, we use pure Himalayan Pink Salt, & a small electoral current is passed thought it, creating a positively & negatively charged ions. These ions are said to attract & neutralize toxins, heavy metals & other harmful substances, which are then expelled from the body through the pores of the feet. Proponents of ionic detox foot baths claim that they can promotes relaxation, reduce inflammation, improves circulation, enhance energy levels, & support the body’s natural detoxification processes.

During this treatment sessions, you will be offered a custom blended herbal tea to sip, that will further help support the body with detoxification. we also suggest bring a journal, book, or using one of our tarot or oracle decks to help keep mind calm & relaxed during your session.